Off the Wall Art

By: Cramer

A Lifetime of Exceptional Craftsmanship

John Cramer Finney is originally from the desert southwest along the Texas-Mexico border. In his early twenties he left El Paso to work at the New York World Fair. During that time he decided to enroll in the Art Students League of New York where he studied for four years. From there he opened a small studio in Manhattan to pursue his interest in the fine art of painting and graphics. To help support his efforts he took advantage of an offer to remodel an old farmhouse in upstate New York. At the completion of that project he returned to his roots in El Paso where his artwork fell to the wayside when he opened a studio where he designed and built custom, one-of-a-kind cabinets and furniture. This business lasted for thirty years when he decided it was time to go full circle back to his love of the fine arts. He now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountain area in Virginia where he is helping his daughter remodel her old farmhouse and producing the artwork you see on this website.

My Approach

I find the most enjoyment in creating art is my constant search for new materials and methods that require developing skills that help express my ever changing thoughts and feelings. The following quote is how I have always tried work.

“Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with love.”

Khalil Gilbran

Please reach out with any questions.

Are you interested in one of my pieces or hosting my work in your gallery? Email me! I’d be happy to hear from you.